The Kindergruppe (Children's Group) of the American Aid Society was formed in 1968. Our children range from preschool to 8th grade. Knowledge of German is not required. Children do learn some German vocabulary through our activities.
The Kindergruppe performs German folk dances at various events throughout the year. They also sing German songs and perform skits and poems in German at our Mother's Day and Christmas programs. We are very proud of our kids - they do a great job.
The Kindergruppe usually meets twice a month on Friday nights at 7:00 at our clubhouse in Chicago. If you are interested in joining, please contact Linda Byrom (, or Michelle Heidrich (
Our Kindergruppe is currently selling cookbooks, titled "Was Gibt's zum Essen?" with a mixture of German and American recipes. Cookbooks sell for $10 each. For more information, please contact Michelle Heidrich at